Tuesday, 20 August 2013


There’s a radio show on CBC Radio One called “Ontario Today”.  I tuned in today to listen to the special guest, Kathleen Wynne.

Premier Wynne was in the studio and she was talking to the host about the gas plant issue.

Quick Tip: There were 2 gas-fired electricity plants that were to be built in the Toronto area but the Ontario government cancelled the plans. This made people upset because the government still had to pay a lot of money even though the plants weren't constructed. 

Premier Wynne said she understood why people are upset and she wanted to make sure that everyone knew that the government always tries to be honest and open about what they are doing.

Then Premier Wynne began taking calls from people from all over Ontario who had questions that they wanted to ask her.

One of the callers was from my home town and she was asking about government support for services with young adults with developmental disabilities. She said that her daughter who has a disability is unable to live on her own and it is difficult for her to get a job and most of the services available now are for kids, not adults. Premier Wynne said that her colleague, Ted McMeekin who is Minister of Community and Social Services had been trying to get more services for adults with developmental disabilities and funding for different associations that already exist.

It was a really interesting radio show. What I liked was that Premier Wynne was answering calls from different people about many different topics and she was answering them very honestly. She really seemed to care about what they had to say.

If I was the Premier of Ontario I would try to do these kinds of interviews a lot because it’s important to know what people in Ontario are thinking and feeling about the government. It’s important to be accessible to the people you are supposed to be representing. Without talking to people, how can you know if your government is doing a good job?

--- PeyThePEYge

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