Wednesday, 21 August 2013

A Lucky PEYge!

In the summer the Legislative Assembly doesn’t meet at Queen’s Park. You might think this means that all of the MPPs get to relax and have a nice summer holiday, but you would be wrong. They are still busy working for the people of Ontario.

Yesterday, I got to actually see some of this work happening!

I had hoped to meet one or two of the MPPs who represent ridings in the Ottawa area because they are close to where I live and I figured the more I see them and hear them talk, the better I’ll recognize them in the Chamber at Queen’s Park!!! I tried to make arrangements to meet with MPP Madeleine Meilleur at her constituency office.

QUICK TIP: A constituency office is the office in the riding of the MPP where they work with their staff when they aren’t at Queen’s Park. People who have concerns or questions can call or visit the consistency office to talk to their MPP.  

Bonus Quick Tip: MPP Meilleur is also the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services and Minister Responsible of Francophone Affairs.

In an amazing stroke of luck, the day I was trying to meet with MPP Meilleur, the whole Eastern Ontario Liberal Caucus was meeting right at her office! Her executive assistant asked if I would like to come and meet many of the local liberal MPPs all at once and so that is exactly what I did!

Quick Tip: A caucus is a group of elected members of a party. It also means a private meeting of the members of a parliamentary party. 

When I arrived at the office, the door was locked. We had to ring a bell and wait for one of the staff members to let us in the office. We sat and waited for a few minutes and then the door of a little meeting room opened and MPP Meilleur came out and invited us into the room.

In the meeting room was....

MPP Chiarelli

Quick Tip: MPP Chiarelli was the mayor of Ottawa before he was an MPP and now he is also the Minister of Energy.

MPP Yasir Naqvi who is the Minister of Labour, and Joh Fraser who is newly elected as MPP. He is replacing Dalton McGuinty who was also the former Premier of Ontario.

I met all of the MPPs and had my photo taken with them. MPP Meilleur was very nice and had a good sense of humour. Also, she likes to shop just like me!!!!

It was really great seeing how the constituency office works and having the opportunity to meet with most of the Ottawa area MPPs. I really like how all of the MPPs I have met and spoken to so far are so happy to talk to me about the Page Program and are so positive about the experience! 

MPP Meilleur, PeyThePEYge, MPP Fraser (in the back row), MPP Chiarelli and MPP Naqvi. 


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