In the Ontario Legislative Assembly, there are Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs). They are the people who we elect from different ridings across the province.
Quick tip: A RIDING is the geographic area that an MPP is representing and responsible for. There are 107 ridings so 107 MPP seats in the Legislature.
The MPPs are a mix of Liberal, Progressive Conservative and New Democratic Party representatives.
But here is where the magic ministers come in....
The Premier gets to appoint certain MPPs in her party to be Ministers. This means that they get extra responsibilities and are in charge of certain things. They act as leaders and as the Premier's advisors. I've been learning the Ministers and here is what I know so far:
Quick tip: Because our current government is a Liberal run government, the Ministers are all from the Liberal party.
Bonus Quick Tips: We call the Ministers "Honourable" as their title and they are also called Cabinet members.
There are 25 ministers but there are more than 25 special responsibilities so some of the ministers have extra jobs!
Quick tip: The ministers sit right up in the front row of their party seats.
Here is a list of our current ministers and their responsibilities. I'll also share how I'm remembering each of them because it's really hard to remember what they're each responsible for!
Honourable Jim Bradley
Minister of Environment
I remember him because my sister and I got to submit an Order Paper Question to him asking him about making changes to Ontario's recycling program so that we have a deposit on cans and more incentive to recycle like the other provinces that are doing it (BC, Alberta and Quebec).
Honourable Michael Chan
Minister responsible for the 2015 Pan and Parapan American Games
Also Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport
I remember him because Chan sort of rhymes with Parapan. I remember that he has a second role as Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport because "Games" goes with sport.
Honourable Bob Chiarelli
Minister of Energy
I remember him because I think Chiarelli is ch-ch-chilly so turning up the heat would cost ENERGY!
Honourable Michael Coteau
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Honourable Brad Duguid
Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities
I remember him because everyone wants to Duguid (sounds like do good) at University!
Honourable John Gerretsen
Attorney General (the Attorney General is in charge of the justice system in Ontario)
I remember him because a garret is a small space like an attic. So if you don't follow his laws, you'll end up in a garret (prison)!
Honourable Eric Hoskins
Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment
I remember him because the First Nation Peoples TRADE skins (HoSKINS)
Honourable Linda Jeffrey
Chair of Cabinet
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
I remember she is chair of cabinet and then think that chairs and cabinets go in houses!
Honourable Jeff Leal
Minister of Rural Affairs
Honourable Tracy MacCharles
Minister of Consumer Services
Her last names starts with Mac which makes me think of Big Macs and we consume Big Macs.
Honourable Deborah Matthews
Deputy Premier (this means she takes over if Kathleen Wynne can't do her job)
Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
Honourable Madeleine Meilleur
Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Minister responsible for Francophone Affairs
I remember her because she is my daddy's boss!
Honourable John Milloy
Minister of Government Services
Honourable Reza Moridi
Minister of Research and Innovation
The beginning of his name Reza sounds like the beginning of REsearch
And my mommy is a researcher
Honourable Glen R. Murray
Minster of Infrastructure (things like roads and bridges)
Minister of Transportation
I remember him because his two responsibilities go together (you transport things on roads and bridges)
Also, my sister made up a little jingle that helped me. It goes like this:
Murray! Hurry! Transportation!Honourable Yasir Naqvi
Minister of Labour
I remember him because I think, "are you working?" YESSIR!
Honourable David Orazietti
Minister of Natural Resources
I remember him because gold is a natural resource and the french word for gold is OR and his last names begins with OR
Honourable Teresa Piruzza
Minister of Children and Youth Services
Honourable Liz Sandals
Minister of Education
I remember her because she is Minister of Education and I'd like to be a teacher when I'm older. Also, her last name is sandals which is like shoes and I LOVE SHOES! Finally, her first name is Liz and that's the name of my best friend! She might be my favourite Minister. I wonder if she has a wand and wears fancy sandals?
Honourable Mario Sergio
Minister Responsible for Seniors
Minister without Portfolio (this means that he doesn't really have a Ministry because there isn't actually a ministry of seniors, but he is responsible for seniors. Premier Wynne also wanted him to be one of her advisors).
Honourable Charles Sousa
Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet
Minister of Finance
Honourable Kathleen Wynne
Premier of Ontario
Minister of Agriculture and Food
Honourable David Zimmer
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs
These Ministers are all in charge of the ministries they are responsible for. They all meet regularly to talk about what they want to propose to the Legislature.
If I was an MPP I would want to be appointed as a Minister and not just because I like the idea of being called Honourable! I think having extra responsibilities and being in charge of a Ministry is cool but I think talking to the different people in the ministries (like if I was minister of agriculture, talking to all of the farmers and finding out what their concerns and questions are) would be the best part of the job!
Now I'm going to wave my magic wand and disapparate!
-- PeyThePEYge
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