It was Orientation Day for the next round of Pages today. This meant our teacher was a little busy helping them learn about the experience SO we all met in the Amethyst Room (a big meeting room) to play Jeopardy with Clerk William Short (actually he's really tall, so it's a funny last name for him to have!)
The Pages all formed teams and had a contest to see who the buzzer for each team would be. The contest was 3 Pages would sit in chairs with the buzzer and on the TV, the face of an MPP would be shown. Whoever buzzed first AND got the right answer, moved on to the next round. Since all of you know how hard I studied my MPPeeps, obviously you know who the buzzer was! That's right... MOI!
The game was a lot of fun. We answered so many questions about Parliament and politics and the MPPs and the best part.....
MY TEAM WON! (and the prize was chocolate!!!!!!!!!)
After Jeopardy we worked on our bills and debates for our mock government session next week. THEN, the best part of the day was when we got to go into the Chamber to help with the training session of the newbies (that would be a slang term for the new Pages!).
We sat in MPP chairs (I was MPP Clark for the afternoon! :D ) and wrote notes and called for water and delivered petitions. I think it probably was very helpful for the new Pages. I wish we'd had a group of Pages there on our Orientation Day.
We had lunch with the new Pages and told them about what to expect for their job. It was fun getting to know them and sharing everything we've learned since we started.
The other cool thing we did today is ........
Toured the Legislative Special Security (LSS) room.
There were a bunch of TVs showing different areas of the building where security cameras are placed. We could see outside the building, people walking through hallways, the main entry ways. The best part was that there is a JOYSTICK that you can use to control the cameras. You can turn the camera around to get different views and zoom in on whatever you want to (licence plates, people's faces). I now know why it's called a JOYstick. Using it was JOYFUL!!!!!!!
One of the security officers put on his RIOT GEAR. This is an uniform they wear when they're dealing with large crowds of protestors or people who aren't following the rules. It's a navy blue heavy suit that's fireproof. There is a helmet with a faceguard to keep their eyes and faces safe. They have a big baton and shield too. When they're all walking together they bang their shields with the batons.
The uniform comes with a gas mask too. The guard demonstrated what happens when someone attacks with some kind of gas (tear gas for example). We timed him putting him on and it only took him 31 seconds. They said that was a new record! The guard we spoke to had experienced several different riots. He was even there for the G20 riot.
Question: This PEYge had a really fun day today.
Answer: Who is PeyThePEYge!
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