Saturday, 5 October 2013

T'was The Night Before Paging

After being Page Captain, we have to make a presentation to the class that highlights three things: 

1. What we did well
2. What we can improve
3. Strategies for improvement

We have to be creative in our presentations so I decided to write a poem (based on a very famous Christmas story) to share with my Page buddies. 

May I present, the PEYge Poem!!!!

T’was the minute before Question Period
And all through Queen’s Park
All the pages were working
From morning ‘til dark.

The glasses were filled
Placed on desks with great care
For all MPPs
Who soon would be there.

The pages were quick
And they did what was told
Taking motions, petitions
To young and to old.

They stood when the Speaker
Rose from his seat
And everyone sat
“together knees and feet”.

Premier Wynne had her water
Tim Hudak, his books,
Ms. Horwatch was dressed in a dress…
Her best look!

There was yelling and calling
And banging of desks
And heckling from members
Who gave it their best.

But the Pages were good
No, nothing could phase them
They knew if it did
Sargeant-At-Arms would come tase them!

The Pages were good
The Pages were neat
Worked quickly and lively
Stood tall on their feet.

They were dressed very nicely
From head down to toe
Every tie, every vest,
And each frilly jabot. 

All deliveries were made
With precision and grace
All duties were done
With a smile on the face.

The snapping was heard
And always obeyed
And listening well
Few mistakes there were made.

But Pages, I know
We all want to improve
So here is my motion
Here’s what I move…

Though we’ve done our work well
Better teamwork is needed,
Quick response can improve
This advice should be heeded…

We must stand up in unison
Sit straight in line,
And know where to go
When we’re called up each time.

We’ve been three weeks together
We should not scratch and yawn
While we sit on the Dais
When discussion is on.

We should help one another
With a nudge or a touch
To all stand together
When the Speaker stands up.

With Petitions and Motions
We should each take our turn
A professional “rep”
We will certainly earn.

And please don’t return
To your seat by the Speaker
Give a turn to a Page
At the back who is eager.
Politely bowing our heads
Is still slightly lacking
Please don’t duck in the House
As we don’t allow “quacking”.

A professional walk
Without hesitation
Makes us all look so good
On each TV station.

Our procession lines are
So tidy and neat
But we must take great care
To not clomp our feet.

Every day at 8:30
When procession time’s near
We should all get together
And start with a cheer

If we do all these things
And we work as a team
Soon we’ll all see
Our Mrs. Tedford beam!

Let’s all work together
And do everything right
Happy Paging to all
And to all a goodnight!


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